Podcast Episode 12: Resources for Homeowners Worried About Their Mortgage Payments

December 11, 2020 | by Anna Orendain

Categories: Podcast


We've previously covered how to buy a home, but what resources are available for current homeowners that are struggling to make mortgage payments during a financial crisis? We meet with Joyce McDonald with FrameWorks Community Development Corporation to discuss trustworthy assistance options, as well as how to recognize scams.

Please note: As of June 24, 2021, the foreclosure moratorium referenced in this podcast segment has been extended until July 31, 2021.

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Meet Our Guest—Joyce McDonald

Joyce McDonald is devoted to providing home buyer education, financial education, and foreclosure prevention counseling to Texas families. She is both a HUD certified housing counselor and the Executive Director of FrameWorks Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit housing counseling agency located in Austin. Founded in 2004, FrameWorks CDC has assisted more than 11,000 Central Texas families with counseling services and affordable housing opportunities. 

In addition to her work with FrameWorks, Joyce also serves on the Board of TexHealth Central Texas and holds the position of Board Secretary with the Texas Association of Community Development Corporations. She is also a 2012 graduate of Leadership Austin, which brings leaders together to work towards community-wide systemic change. 

On the House blog posts are meant to provide general information on various housing-related issues, research and programs. We are not liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the information provided by blog sources. Furthermore, this blog is not legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney.


[email protected]

Hi Leticia, while TSAHC doesn’t currently offer assistance with mortgage payments, there are region-specific mortgage assistance programs around Texas that may be able to help! We have links to a few here: https://www.tsahc.org/about/covid-19-resources-and-helpful-information#accordion-bottom-2

Leticia Garcia

I work for United Health group/Wellned medical management. I was given this number by UHG and said maybe you all have programs that might help me. Ever since I survivng covid19 in July my health has never been the same. I am a mother who works full time and travel 90% of the time. I have 2 daughters and 5 grandkids living with me. Both my daughters loss there jobs due to covid. They are threating to forcloser on my house and shut my utilizes off. I pay they what I can but I pay. Its not enough cuz am so behind. Please feel free to call me at 361-453-0411 or email me .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). If I dont qualify for this program maybe you might know of another one that could . Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Leticia Garcia SR MA/IPC

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